Tri-county Occupational Health Consultants
Tri-county Occupational Health Consultants (TOHC) does not send unsolicited e-mail. We will contact you or send information to you only in direct response to your request.  No one is allowed to reference Tri-county Occupational Health Consultants, this Internet site and/or its associated addresses, or any materials contained on this Internet site and/or provided by TOHC in any unsolicited or bulk mailing, communication, broadcast or posting whether in electronic form or otherwise without first obtaining expressed written permission to do so and adhering to the provisions set forth therein. If you know someone that is abusing this policy, please notify our legal department via  webstuff@tohc.com .
Who you talk to is your business. Tri-county Occupational Health Consultants has always maintained strict confidentiality guidelines.  We do not and will not provide, sell, exchange or trade client/contact information. The only exceptions are concerning a criminal investigation where it is necessary to comply with a properly executed legal request for information.
If you have any questions regarding our spamming and privacy policies please write  webstuff@tohc.com .

Questions or comments regarding this site, contact: webstuff@tohc.com
Copyright 1998-2002 © Tri-county Occupational Health Consultants.  All Rights Reserved.